
We receive thousands of individual orders daily via EDI, XML, HTTP, FTP, and Email.

  • VLC Distribution is committed to adapting to the requirements of all major retailers.

    Consumer retailers use a variety of IT protocols which require individual programming from our IT specialists. We accommodate CommerceHub, VendorNet, SPS Commerce, as well as other data exchange methods our clients specify.

  • We create packing slips using each retailer’s logo.

    You decide what customers see on packing slips and return labels.

VLC Conveyor

lowest freight costs &

We schedule and route shipments to ensure the lowest available freight costs.

We utilize our pre-negotiated discount rates with carriers and pass the savings along to you.

Real-time visibility to current sales.

Our warehouse management software system enables us to monitor individual account sales in real-time. We have visibility down to the individual SKU level performance for any requested time range.